Our environmental initiative at PII RH

PII RH acts conscientiously to help preserve the environment. Non-discrimination and diversity at PII RH.
The company has been leaning on a choice of paper suppliers and printers according to their criteria of sustainable development, since 2012. The company contracts with paper makers who guarantee responsible management, for the forest heritage.
PIIRH Executive Search has focused its printer purchases on a dual-sided printing option and ink cartridge sustainability, in order to limit paper consumption and cartridge renewal.
In this regard, color has always been a printing option and should only be used if need be, and black and white must always be the default option. On the other hand, a message accompanied by a visual logo which is located at the bottom of each of our emails, encourages the recipient not to print the email and help respect the environment. Last but not least, collecting and recycling of cartridges and toners are systematically managed by our own suppliers (chosen on the basis of CSR criteria). The accessories of the coffee machine and the waste (cups, plastic bottles, etc.) are sorted through, so that these can be recycled.
All devices that consume electricity are systematically turned off when the office is closed (printers, computers, coffee machine, lighting). This eco-responsible gesture helps reduce electricity consumption.
PIIRH Executive Search’s concern for eco-responsibility contributes to reducing CO2 emissions, related to automobile mobility. Employees mainly use public transport for traveling.
The company is part of a permanent process, which is based on progress, to reduce the environmental impact of its activity and most of all, its carbon footprint: we encourage interviews with our candidates initially in the form of a videoconference before meeting them.
Social and ethical policy

Well-being at work
PII RH Executive Search is founded on values leaning on social responsibility to contribute to the personal and professional development, of its employees. In this regard, the company offers to:
- Highlighting skills and developing potential: training and progress of employees, supporting every single employee in their professional career while accessing training.
- Guarantee working conditions which respect the Fundamental Rights and ensure employees’ safety and well-being at work.
Non-discrimination and diversity within PII RH

Equal opportunities, non-discrimination
Recruitment is at the heart of our activity, so we are rather sensitive to the issues that relate to non-discrimination and diversity, within our company.
We respect and apply the principle of non-discrimination through all its forms (discrimination on the basis of age, sex, disability, or physical appearance...) and during all the stages of human resources management whileworking on a daily basis as well as within our company. We are mostly involved in the hiring, training, progress, or professional promotion of out employees. For example, the application form sent to all those who apply on the PIIRH website, does not require gender or nationality, and the date of birth is an optional information.
To confirm our principles in terms of non-discrimination and equal opportunities, we intend to sign the Corporate Diversity Charter.
This charter makes up our commitment to non-discrimination in the field of employment and the promotion of diversity.
Raising awareness

Raising awareness among collaborators
To streng then their environmental awareness, an eco-responsibility charter devoted to ecological gestures, was distributed in our offices.
Raising awareness among interlocutors
A message which accompanies our visual logo located at the bottom of each of our emails, encourages the recipient not to print the email, to help respect the environment.
Each employee, whether within the internal PIIRH Executive Search structure or with our client, is aware of our social and environmental responsibility policy.
PIIRH Executive Search expresses its desire to carry out its activities in keeping with the fundamental values of a corporate citizen and take action through integrity in keeping with laws and standards.